Preparations for a large painting
Last night while looking through the remaining photos in this round of paintings, this one is going to be a larger painting. So for today's daily painting I decided to do thumbnail sketches along with three color maps. This is from the smokey mountains. When Cristina and I were walking up this trail there was this huge rock on the left side of us that looked as if it could come down at any second. The main trail kept going up the hill but there was a small trail that went up to the rock. Apparently some people like to get up on the lip and wonder what it would be like to be a stain on the forest floor. I took the photo and got back to hiking up the trail.The value sketches are at the bottom of this post. I started by doing a thumbnail of how I would like it laid out. Then did a mirrored version with some slight alterations. Typically I will do three or four layouts with mirrored version but I really liked the first one so I went with it. Then I did a value scale thumbnail below it. Again I liked the first one so didn't go on with more.
After the thumbnails I did three quick sketches at 6x4.5 on 90lb watercolor paper and began making color maps. The first map used greens, blues, and purples with orange accents. The green made up the foreground since its the warmest in that color set with blue in the mid ground and purple in the background. Typically I would go with purple in front of blue but because I was going to use the orange as the accent in the mid ground the blue popped out from the purple background.
The third color map was with yellow brown, purple gray and light blue.