Friday, March 30, 2012

This is my first outdoor still life. I've painted outdoors and still life, but never have married the two. It is more difficult than painting still life in the studio. The sun peaks in and out of clouds and the heat can get unbearable if you are right up next to the still life while its sunny. It does help you see the color of the light and makes you work quickly. When I first finished, I was not happy with it. Partly because my neck was burnt and the sun made it impossible to see the value I was putting down . I did  enjoy how the bowl turned out. The inside was silver lined and it took in all the cool color of the sky while the outside was a dark reflective metal that was picking up the reflection of the sun off the cloth. Now I enjoy the painting with it in my studio. Painting still life outdoors is something I plan on taking up more often this year. Next time I will find a nice shady spot to stand in.

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