Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Color telling story
This piece is titled 'Regal Rooster and minion'. The lighting in my studio is far from great but occasionally when I see an item placed in here taken directly from good lighting, it looks alien. This little green clay pot looks absolutely beautiful when sitting alone in any other room. When it is under this light it looks so strange, and when placed around a large amount of purple it is a completely different pot. When the pot is set up next to the white porcelain rooster and cigar box on a purple cloth it stood out in the composition but my mind makes it play second fiddle to the rooster. The large complex shape of the rooster along with the perceived whiteness sitting next to the simple and deep colored shape of the pot told me a story. The rooster gets the attention but the pot is what holds everything together, its the anchor. One of the reasons I love these still lives is your mind can turn off and just stare for a bit or it can turn on your imagination and make up its own stories. There are also other stories for this painting that my mind sees when I look at it sitting in the corner. The rake and its jilted lover is one story I see with the wandering hero and his green sidekick as another. I think the cool colors along with the perceived warmness of the rooster keep bringing my mind back to the original title. The rooster is cool and dark where the light doesn't shine, and the pot shows even more of its dark side. Anyway I hope that next time you have a few minutes to stare at a still life you let it take you somewhere other than the obvious.

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